Paintball Team YAKUZA Tigers is not that gokudo, the Japanese organised crime syndicate of Japan and have no physical or spiritual connection whatsoever. Its a name emerged during the Advertlets Bloggers Paintball Tournament organised by Advertlets, an online advertising company. Officially during that tournament participants without teams were grouped together and the Yakuzas were made of first time paintbal players and hardly knew each other. 17th July mark the birth date of YAKUZA paintball team.
The new team unexpectedly did well during the tourney and emerged first runners up which entitle the team to participate in My NPL 2009 League, organised by My-NPL and MAPAAC.
Yakuza participated in the first league of My-NPL as a Division 4 team and ranked 13th out of 28 teams. Being at that spot, we qualified to the sweet 16 round but was eliminated. Considering first time players it was quite an achievement for the team and that was on Valentine's Day 2009.

After the Bloggers Tournament, Celine pulled out and Yakuza rope in Josh from Advertlets as a new member to play in the MyNPL league.